The Social Justice and Empowerment Ministry has come out with a Draft of National Policy for Person With Disabilities. The existing national policy was adopted in 2006. Since then there has been lot of changes. India has signed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities (UNCRPD) in October 2007. Right to Person with Disability Act 2005 was also repalced with the New Disability Bill in 2016 and The New Educaton Policy 2020 is promoting Inclusive Education.
With such development happening there is a need to amend National Policy for PWDs adopted in 2006. With this objective The Ministry of Social Jusitice and Empowermenet has come out with a Draft of National Policy for PWDs. The government is seeking comments from the public based on which the final policy will be created.
Here is the draft of the National Policy for PWDs-
Feedback and comments on the draft policy can be sent to and by July 9.