दिव्यांग बच्चे के भविष्य की आर्थिक सुरक्षा के लिए फाइनेंशियल प्लानिंग कैसी होनी चाहिए? आपको न केवल आज का ख्याल रखना होता है बल्कि इन बच्चों के कल की भी प्लानिंग करनी होती है. मनी ९ के चैन की सांस शो की इस...
Financial Planning for a special needs child family means planning for two generations. The crux of the planning is providing financially for the child for the time when you are not there. But even within your life time, meeting the child’s needs is...
Where will the special needs child live? Is community living a good option? If s/he lives at family home who will care for him when we are not around? All these questions rise when parents start thinking about the future of their special...
One of the challenge special need child-parent faces is not knowing what and how to plan for the future. Being unaware of what financial and legal issues may arise many aspects remain unplanned in their life. But this has long-lasting implications especially related...
In general, all parents worry about their children future. How will they provide for their child education, how to give them a quality life and many others questions hovers around them. But when there is a child with special needs the concerns extend...
The concept of trust is a 3 tier structure- There is a settlor who creates the trust, there is a trustee who manages the trust and there is the beneficiary who benefit from the trust. When a trust is created the rules are...
Much like any other aspects tax planning for special needs children families is a must to do affair. Be it salary income or investing the hard earned savings, taxes impact on what you actually earn. With expenses already on higher side there is...
A well-written Will resolve many issues of succession planning. Without one, there are higher probabilities of disputes in distribution. The need for a Will is even more important for families with special needs children. Besides wealth distribution, the Will needs to address different...
A special child trust in India is an important estate planning tool for special needs children families. Being a separate legal entity the trust has many advantages for securing the child future. The primary benefit of this trust rest on the ownership of assets. Once...
Estate Planning is an important element in ones financial plan. Without making provisions for clear distribution of your estate when you are no more, no financial plan can be said to complete. But it may be easier said than done. There are succession...