दिव्यांग बच्चे के भविष्य की आर्थिक सुरक्षा के लिए फाइनेंशियल प्लानिंग कैसी होनी चाहिए? आपको न केवल आज का ख्याल रखना होता है बल्कि इन बच्चों के कल की भी प्लानिंग करनी होती है. मनी ९ के चैन की सांस शो की इस...
Govt. Rehabiliation Institute for Intellectual Disabilities, Chandigarh in association with NGO Parivartan, Chandigarh (A Mental Health Support Group) conducted a programme on 24th March 2022 at GRIID Chandigarh.
Budget 2022 has just been announced and there is a benefit introduced for families with disabled dependent. Is it enough? Thats the question families will be asking. There are always expectations from the budget. This year too its no different but any small...
Financial Planning for a special needs child family means planning for two generations. The crux of the planning is providing financially for the child for the time when you are not there. But even within your life time, meeting the child’s needs is...
While giving importance for special needs child care, one role which is often left unplanned is the role of a Caregiver. This one important person is taking 24/7 care of the child whether paid or unpaid. Financial services industry worldwide have not been...
A good annuity product can be a boon for families with special needs children to care. A product like this can generate a fixed income for the lifetime of the child which is the major concern for any parent. However, annuities from life...
Where will the special needs child live? Is community living a good option? If s/he lives at family home who will care for him when we are not around? All these questions rise when parents start thinking about the future of their special...
World Health Organization conducted a study in 2015 on Mental Illness in India. The statistics revealed that one in five Indians suffer from depression. But only 10-12% of these seek help. A further survey done by the National Health Programme of the Ministry...
One of the challenge special need child-parent faces is not knowing what and how to plan for the future. Being unaware of what financial and legal issues may arise many aspects remain unplanned in their life. But this has long-lasting implications especially related...
For a single parent managing professional and personal life is a daunting task. With no support at hand many times they have to rely on professionals especially where children’s care is involved. Life gets tough when there is a special needs child to...